Suite Caneka
Basic Features
feature complete
Initializing core system tests
- String size has no modulus for span default size, have 0
- String fixed size has no modulus for span default size, have 0
- String full size has no modulus for span default size, have 0
feature complete
Tests for the basic string object and convienience features
- Expect string to have fixed type TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- Expect string length of 2 found 2
- Expect string match of 'Hi' found 'Hi'
- Expect string to have chain type TYPE_STRING_CHAIN found TYPE_STRING_CHAIN
- Expect string length of 3396 found 3396
- Expect string match of long string
- Expect for int value 35072 length of 5 found 5
- Expect string match of int of 35072 to string
- Expect length 271, have 271
- Expect string match of 'GET /path.html HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/png,image/svg+xml,*/*;q=0.8
' to be TRUE
- Comparing long string made in pieces
String - End Matches
feature complete
Tests for Matching the end of the string
- file ending in '.c' matches successfully, had 'file1.c'
- file ending in '.cnk' matches successfully, had 'file1.cnk'
- file ending in '.cnk' matches ".c" after String_Trunc successfully, had 'file1.c'
- file ending in 'bork!' matches successfully, had 'Super long sentance that spans more than a single chunk, but ends in a very special word and the word is so amazing it's like super duper, amazingly amazing, like the most amazing-ness waste of a long sentence that could have been '
String - B64
feature complete
Tests base 64 encoded strings
[35mB64: [35mSFixed<[0;35ms/44="[1;35mU29tZSBjb250ZW50IHRvIGJlIGI2NCBlbmNvZGVkLg==[0;35m"[35m>[0m
- String has been encoded in base64, have 'U29tZSBjb250ZW50IHRvIGJlIGI2NCBlbmNvZGVkLg=='
- String has been decoded from base64 to match original, expecting 'Some content to be b64 encoded.', have 'S00e00o00e00 00 00 00400n00d00d'
feature complete
Span is the basic data structure for sequential or logorithmic storage access.
- Span has type span TYPE_SPAN found TYPE_SPAN
- Span item 0 has type string TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- String 1 equals Hello there found Hello there
- Span item 2 has type string TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- String 3 equals Three found Three
- Span item 6 has type string TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- String 7 equals Seven found Seven
- Span item 7 has type string TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- String 8 equals Eight found Eight
- After expand, Span item 0 has type string TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- String 1 equals Hello there found Hello there
- After expand,Span item 2 has type string TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- String 3 equals Three found Three
- After expand,Span item 6 has type string TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- String 7 equals Seven found Seven
- After expand, Span item 7 has type string TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- String 8 equals Eight found Eight
- Span item 512 has type string TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- String 512 equals Five Twelve found Five Twelve
- Span item 4079 has type string TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- String 4079 equals Four Hundred Seventy Nine found Four Hundred Seventy Nine
- Span item 513 has type string TYPE_STRING_FIXED found TYPE_STRING_FIXED
- String 513 equals Five Thirteen found Five Thirteen
feature complete
This tests the setup for a variety of Span configurations.
- Span stride is 16, have 16
- Span idxStride is 16, have 16
- Span slab has allocated 128 bytes, have 128
- Span idxSlab has allocated 128 bytes, have 128
- Span needs 1 dims to index into 100, have 1
- Span only needs 2 dim to index into 2000, have 2
- Queue stride is 16, have 16
- Queue idxStride is 16, have 16
- Queue slab has allocated 256 bytes, have 256
- Queue idxSlab has allocated 256 bytes, have 256
- Queue needs 1 dims to index into 100, have 1
- Queue only needs 2 dim to index into 2000, have 2
- Mini stride is 4, have 4
- Mini idxStride is 16, have 16
- Mini slab has allocated 32 bytes, have 32
- Mini idxSlab has allocated 128 bytes, have 128
- Mini needs 2 dims to index into 100, have 2
- Mini only needs 3 dim to index into 2000, have 3
- SlabSpan stride is 512, have 512
- SlabSpan idxStride is 32, have 32
- SlabSpan slab has allocated 4096 bytes, have 4096
- SlabSpan idxSlab has allocated 512 bytes, have 512
- SlabSpan needs 0 dims to index into 100, have 0
- SlabSpan only needs 1 dim to index into 2000, have 1
feature complete
Inline spans hold data directly in thier memory space, instead of storing pointers to data held elsewhere.
- Inline Span idx 0 match expected 12 have 12
- Inline Span idx 1 match expected 45 have 45
- Inline Span idx 45 match expected 72 have 72
feature complete
Tests for the Hash object which used for table storage and comparison of a few Polymorphic data types.
- Expected hash to equal 4291084750259606489, found: 4291084750259606489
feature complete
Auto-scaling hash-table built on top of the Span object and Hash object.
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Alpha
- Expect strings to equal Apples from key:Alpha found Apples
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Bravo
- Expect strings to equal Bandits from key:Bravo found Bandits
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Charlie
- Expect strings to equal Carrots from key:Charlie found Carrots
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Delta
- Expect strings to equal DeadMan from key:Delta found DeadMan
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Echo
- Expect strings to equal Elevator from key:Echo found Elevator
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Foxtrot
- Expect strings to equal Five Minutes from key:Foxtrot found Five Minutes
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Golf
- Expect strings to equal Gophers Are Cool from key:Golf found Gophers Are Cool
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Hotel
- Expect strings to equal Happy Go Lucky from key:Hotel found Happy Go Lucky
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:India
- Expect strings to equal Idio-syncratic from key:India found Idio-syncratic
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Juliet
- Expect strings to equal Jockey Rider from key:Juliet found Jockey Rider
feature complete
Resize features of the auto-scaling hash-table.
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Alpha
- Expect strings to equal Apples from key:Alpha found Apples
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Bravo
- Expect strings to equal Bandits from key:Bravo found Bandits
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Charlie
- Expect strings to equal Carrots from key:Charlie found Carrots
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Delta
- Expect strings to equal DeadMan from key:Delta found DeadMan
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Echo
- Expect strings to equal Elevator from key:Echo found Elevator
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Foxtrot
- Expect strings to equal Five Minutes from key:Foxtrot found Five Minutes
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Golf
- Expect strings to equal Gophers Are Cool from key:Golf found Gophers Are Cool
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Hotel
- Expect strings to equal Happy Go Lucky from key:Hotel found Happy Go Lucky
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:India
- Expect strings to equal Idio-syncratic from key:India found Idio-syncratic
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Juliet
- Expect strings to equal Jockey Rider from key:Juliet found Jockey Rider
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Kilo
- Expect strings to equal Kangaroo from key:Kilo found Kangaroo
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Lima
- Expect strings to equal Lefties from key:Lima found Lefties
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Mike
- Expect strings to equal Mangoes from key:Mike found Mangoes
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:November
- Expect strings to equal Neighbourhood Villan from key:November found Neighbourhood Villan
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Oscar
- Expect strings to equal Oasis of Gems from key:Oscar found Oasis of Gems
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Pappa
- Expect strings to equal Pinapple Ham from key:Pappa found Pinapple Ham
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Quebec
- Expect strings to equal Quarterly Report from key:Quebec found Quarterly Report
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Romeo
- Expect strings to equal Rooty Tooty from key:Romeo found Rooty Tooty
- Expect strings to not be NULL from key:Sierra
- Expect strings to equal Stainless Steel from key:Sierra found Stainless Steel
feature complete
Testing the ability to add a key and value to a hash table and disperate, yet sequential, times.
- Expect SetKey and SetValue to effect the same entry: strings to not be NULL from key:'PreKey'
- Expect SetKey and SetValue to effect the same entry: strings to equal 'After Value' from key:'PreKey' found 'After Value'
Roebling Parser
feature complete
Character pattern matching system for the Roebling parser.
- Non match has unsuccessful state found NOOP0=00000000
- Matching string has successful state found SUCCESS0=00000000
- Matched length of string, less termMatching, expected 14 have 14
feature complete
Elastic, (length undetermined) match testing for character patterns of the Roebling parser.
- Has PROCESSING status PROCESSING0=00000000
- On second pos, position is 0
- Tag -Stopped on the fourth character
- Tag -Found three chars
- Tag- Found SUCCESS have SUCCESS4=00000100 <<10,
- Tag -At end
- Att - Found four chars, count is 4
feature complete
Tests for the Roebling character pattern matching parser, with programmable hooks and capture ranges.
- Roebling has three match values loaded up
feature complete
Run state variables for the Roebling parser.
- Match equals expected
- Content equals expected, have TWO
- Match Idx equals expected
- Roebling has state ROEBLING_NEXT
- Roebling has captured the rest of the line, expected 'for the weekend', have 'for the weekend'
- Roebling has state ROEBLING_NEXT
- Roebling has state SUCCESS
feature complete
Mark and jump behavior tests for the Roebling parser.
- Content equals TWO, have TWO
- Roebling has state ROEBLING_NEXT after 'TWO'
- Roebling has captured the rest of the line: 'for the weekend'
- Roebling has state ROEBLING_NEXT after 'for the weekend'
- Content equals ONE, have ONE
- Roebling has state ROEBLING_NEXT after 'ONE'
- Roebling has captured the rest of the line: 'for good measure'
- Roebling has state ROEBLING_NEXT
- Content equals THREE, have THREE
- Roebling has state ROEBLING_NEXT
- Roebling has captured the rest of the line: 'for all!'
- Roebling has state ROEBLING_NEXT
- Roebling has state SUCCESS SUCCESS0=00000000
feature complete
Pausable behavior for the Roebling parser, to be able to handle partial input, and resume when more input is added.
- Roebling has state SUCCESS, have 'SUCCESS0=00000000 '
Roebling Formats
feature complete
Basic XML parsing implemented using the Roebling Parser
- Root node equals 'main' have 'main'
- Jump next to expected mark XML_ATTROUTE
- XmlCtx has state SUCCSS, have SUCCESS0=00000000
feature complete
Nested XML parsing implemented using the Roebling Parser
- Attribute has name 'type', have 'type'
- Attribute Value to be 'root', have 'root'
- Jump set to XML_START
- Whitespace before tag added as body, have '\n '
- Expected att value: 'fancy-pants', have 'foo'
- Expected att value: 'fancy-pants', have ''
- Expected body value: 'Gotta Get It!', have 'Gotta Get It!'
- NodeName is 'alpha', have 'alpha'
- Second NodeName is 'alpha', have 'alpha'
- XML has state success
feature complete
Fully featured XML parsing implemented using the Roebling Parser
- XML has state success
- XML node has expected body, have 'The World is Upside Down!'
feature complete
Identify string types during parsing (NUM/CASH)
- String root is normal, no flags for 'root', have 0
- String is idendified as FLAG_STRING_IS_CASH for '${fancy}', have 2048
- String is idendified as FLAG_STRING_IS_NUM for '19', have 512
- String is idendified as FLAG_STRING_IS_NUM for '3', have 512
- String body is normal, no flags for 'Not a cash', have 0
- Sub-element body is idendified as FLAG_STRING_IS_CASH for '${body}', have 2048
feature complete
HTTP protocol parsing using the Roebling Parser
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_METHOD, have 0/HTTP_METHOD
- Expected content 'GET', have 'GET'
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_PATH, have 1/HTTP_PATH
- Expected content '/path.html', have '/path.html'
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_PROTO, have 2/HTTP_PROTO
- Expected content 'HTTP/1.1', have 'HTTP/1.1'
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_HEADER, have 3/HTTP_HEADER
- Expected content 'Host', have 'Host'
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_HEADER_VALUE, have 4/HTTP_HEADER_VALUE
- Expected content 'localhost', have 'localhost'
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_HEADER, have 3/HTTP_HEADER
- Expected content 'User-Agent', have 'User-Agent'
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_HEADER_VALUE, have 4/HTTP_HEADER_VALUE
- Expected content 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0', have 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0'
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_HEADER, have 3/HTTP_HEADER
- Expected content 'Connection', have 'Connection'
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_HEADER_VALUE, have 4/HTTP_HEADER_VALUE
- Expected content 'keep-alive', have 'keep-alive'
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_HEADER, have 3/HTTP_HEADER
- Expected content 'Accept', have 'Accept'
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_HEADER_VALUE, have 4/HTTP_HEADER_VALUE
- Expected content 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/png,image/svg+xml,*/*;q=0.8', have 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/png,image/svg+xml,*/*;q=0.8'
- captureKey is as expected HTTP_END, have 5/HTTP_END
- Reached end of test captures, have 12
- Roebling HttpParser has state SUCCESS, have 'SUCCESS0=00000000 '
NestedD Flat
feature complete
NestedD is a stack based data store for lexical reslution of dataused for template langages templating (such as HTML), Flat scenario.
- Test if nested value is expected, have 1
- Test if nested second value is expected, have 0
NestedD With
feature complete
NestedD is a stack based data store for lexical reslution of dataused for template langages templating (such as HTML), With scenario.
- Name on main level is as expected, found 'SuppaSuppa'
- With session scid is as expected, found 'a87c782a'
- With session time is as expected, found '1709645616277122774'
- Title after outdent on main found 'Master Of It All'
NestedD For
feature complete
NestedD is a stack based data store for lexical reslution of dataused for template langages templating (such as HTML), For scenario.
- Name on main level is as expected, found SuppaSuppa
- Not yet done
- Nested FOR 'name' is as expected, found 'Heavy Metal'
- Nested FOR 'category' is as expected, found 'music'
- Nested FOR 'status' is as expected, found '2'
- Not yet done
- Nested FOR 'name' is as expected, found 'Knitting'
- Nested FOR 'category' is as expected, found 'sewing'
- Nested FOR 'status' is as expected, found '7'
- Not yet done
- Nested FOR 'name' is as expected, found 'Ramen'
- Nested FOR 'category' is as expected, found 'cooking'
- Nested FOR 'status' is as expected, found '99'
- Nested_Next is done
XML Templating
feature complete
XML templating for building web applications.
- XmlT created expected output from:
Session expires: 2024-03-05T13:33:36.277122774+00
Blue Sky
Look UpGrass
Walk barefootSun
QR Generation
not started
Generating QR codes as an SVG output from plain text data.
feature complete
Queue built on top of the Span storage architecture.
- six has replaed idx 1
- midwest has replaed idx 17
feature complete
Queue iteration behaviour, built on top of the Span storage architecture.
- Expect queue to have 67 values, have 67
- Expect first item to be zero_s, have zero
- Expect second item to be one_s, have one
- Expect item 2 to be from all109_s(two), have two
- Expect item 3 to be from all109_s(three), have three
- Expect item 4 to be from all109_s(four), have four
- Expect item 5 to be from all109_s(five), have five
- Expect item 6 to be from all109_s(six), have six
- Expect item 7 to be from all109_s(seven), have seven
- Expect item 8 to be from all109_s(eight), have eight
- Expect item 9 to be from all109_s(nine), have nine
- Expect item 10 to be from all109_s(ten), have ten
- Expect item 11 to be from all109_s(eleven), have eleven
- Expect item 12 to be from all109_s(twelve), have twelve
- Expect item 13 to be from all109_s(thirteen), have thirteen
- Expect item 14 to be from all109_s(fourteen), have fourteen
- Expect item 15 to be from all109_s(fifteen), have fifteen
- Expect item 16 to be from all109_s(sixteen), have sixteen
- Expect item 17 to be from all109_s(seventeen), have seventeen
- Expect item 18 to be from all109_s(eighteen), have eighteen
- Expect item 19 to be from all109_s(nineteen), have nineteen
- Expect item 20 to be from all109_s(twenty), have twenty
- Expect item 21 to be from all109_s(twentyOne), have twentyOne
- Expect item 22 to be from all109_s(twentyTwo), have twentyTwo
- Expect item 23 to be from all109_s(twentyThree), have twentyThree
- Expect item 24 to be from all109_s(twentyFour), have twentyFour
- Expect item 25 to be from all109_s(twentyFive), have twentyFive
- Expect item 26 to be from all109_s(twentySix), have twentySix
- Expect item 27 to be from all109_s(twentySeven), have twentySeven
- Expect item 28 to be from all109_s(twentyEight), have twentyEight
- Expect item 29 to be from all109_s(twentyNine), have twentyNine
- Expect item 30 to be from all109_s(thirty), have thirty
- Expect item 31 to be from all109_s(thirtyOne), have thirtyOne
- Expect item 32 to be from all109_s(thirtyTwo), have thirtyTwo
- Expect item 33 to be from all109_s(thirtyThree), have thirtyThree
- Expect item 34 to be from all109_s(thirtyFour), have thirtyFour
- Expect item 35 to be from all109_s(thirtyFive), have thirtyFive
- Expect item 36 to be from all109_s(thirtySix), have thirtySix
- Expect item 37 to be from all109_s(thirtySeven), have thirtySeven
- Expect item 38 to be from all109_s(thirtyEight), have thirtyEight
- Expect item 39 to be from all109_s(thirtyNine), have thirtyNine
- Expect item 40 to be from all109_s(fourty), have fourty
- Expect item 41 to be from all109_s(fourtyOne), have fourtyOne
- Expect item 42 to be from all109_s(fourtyTwo), have fourtyTwo
- Expect item 43 to be from all109_s(fourtyThree), have fourtyThree
- Expect item 44 to be from all109_s(fourtyFour), have fourtyFour
- Expect item 45 to be from all109_s(fourtyFive), have fourtyFive
- Expect item 46 to be from all109_s(fourtySix), have fourtySix
- Expect item 47 to be from all109_s(fourtySeven), have fourtySeven
- Expect item 48 to be from all109_s(fourtyEight), have fourtyEight
- Expect item 49 to be from all109_s(fourtyNine), have fourtyNine
- Expect item 50 to be from all109_s(fifty), have fifty
- Expect item 51 to be from all109_s(fiftyOne), have fiftyOne
- Expect item 52 to be from all109_s(fiftyTwo), have fiftyTwo
- Expect item 53 to be from all109_s(fiftyThree), have fiftyThree
- Expect item 54 to be from all109_s(fiftyFour), have fiftyFour
- Expect item 55 to be from all109_s(fiftyFive), have fiftyFive
- Expect item 56 to be from all109_s(fiftySix), have fiftySix
- Expect item 57 to be from all109_s(fiftySeven), have fiftySeven
- Expect item 58 to be from all109_s(fiftyEight), have fiftyEight
- Expect item 59 to be from all109_s(fiftyNine), have fiftyNine
- Expect item 60 to be from all109_s(sixty), have sixty
- Expect item 61 to be from all109_s(sixtyOne), have sixtyOne
- Expect item 62 to be from all109_s(sixtyTwo), have sixtyTwo
- Expect item 63 to be from all109_s(sixtyThree), have sixtyThree
- Expect item 64 to be from all109_s(sixtyFour), have sixtyFour
- Expect item 65 to be from all109_s(sixtyFive), have sixtyFive
- Expect item 66 to be from all109_s(sixtySix), have sixtySix
- Expect i to have reached the max, have 67
feature complete
Queue iteration with a mix of items missing, built on top of the Span storage architecture.
- Expect queue to have 8 values, have 36
- Expect queue to have 23 values, have 23
- Expect item 0 to be from all109_s(zero), have zero
- Expect item 1 to be from all109_s(one), have one
- Expect item 2 to be from all109_s(two), have two
- Expect item 3 to be from all109_s(three), have three
- Expect item 4 to be from all109_s(four), have four
- Expect item 5 to be from all109_s(five), have five
- Expect item 6 to be from all109_s(six), have six
- Expect item 7 to be from all109_s(seven), have seven
- Expect item 21 to be from all109_s(twentyOne), have twentyOne
- Expect item 22 to be from all109_s(twentyTwo), have twentyTwo
- Expect item 23 to be from all109_s(twentyThree), have twentyThree
- Expect item 24 to be from all109_s(twentyFour), have twentyFour
- Expect item 25 to be from all109_s(twentyFive), have twentyFive
- Expect item 26 to be from all109_s(twentySix), have twentySix
- Expect item 27 to be from all109_s(twentySeven), have twentySeven
- Expect item 28 to be from all109_s(twentyEight), have twentyEight
- Expect item 29 to be from all109_s(twentyNine), have twentyNine
- Expect item 30 to be from all109_s(thirty), have thirty
- Expect item 31 to be from all109_s(thirtyOne), have thirtyOne
- Expect item 32 to be from all109_s(thirtyTwo), have thirtyTwo
- Expect item 33 to be from all109_s(thirtyThree), have thirtyThree
- Expect item 34 to be from all109_s(thirtyFour), have thirtyFour
- Expect item 35 to be from all109_s(thirtyFive), have thirtyFive
- Expect i to have reached the max, have 23
CycleServe Networking Server
feature complete
Basic CycleServe network server initialization tests.
feature complete
CycleServe network server request handling tests.
- active Req is not null
- Req has the first handler set
- Req has the second handler set
- Req Roebling has status of SUCCESS, have SUCCESS0=00000000
- Proc 5007 existed with status 0
feature complete
Chunked request (partial HTTP request sent in different requests) for CycleServe network server tests.
- active Req is not null
- Req has the first handler set
- Req has the second handler set
- Req Roebling does not have state SUCCESS yet, have PROCESSING0=00000000
- Req Roebling has status of SUCCESS, have SUCCESS0=00000000
feature complete
Concurrent request testing for CycleServe network server.
- Multiple count of 22 currently open, have 22
- All processes closed, count of 0 currently open, have 0
- Served all count of 22 requests, have 22
previously working
Tests to use Roebling to open a session based on an HTTP Cookie Header using IoCtx and Crypto.
not started
Regularly scheduled activities in CycleServe using the Queue object.
Persistance and Storage
feature complete
Oset serialization format tests (similar features to XML, JSON, or YAML).
- String equals expected, have 'there'
- Have wrapped I64
- Value of I64 matches, have 17
- Span from oset has correct type have 'TYPE_SPAN'
- Span from oset has correct number of values have '2'
- Span from oset string 1 length is equal, have '2'
- Span from oset string 1 equal, have 'hi'
- Span from oset string 2 length is equal, have '5'
- Span from oset string 2 equal, have 'there'
- Span from oset has correct type have 'TYPE_SPAN'
- Span from oset has correct number of values have '2'
- Span with gaps from oset string 1 length is equal, have '2'
- Span with gaps from oset string 1 equal, have 'hi'
- Span with gaps from oset string 231 length is equal, have '5'
- Span from oset string 231 equal, have 'there'
- Table from oset has correct type have 'TYPE_TABLE'
- Tale from oset has correct def->typeOf have 'TYPE_TABLE'
- Table from oset has correct number of values have '3'
- Table from oset with key A equal, have 'Apples'
- Table from oset with key B equal, have 'Bee'
- Table from oset with key C equal, have 'Carrot'
- Table from oset with key A equal, have 'Apples'
- Table from oset with key B equal, have 'Bee'
- Table from oset with key C 1 equal, have 'Carrot'
- Table from oset with key C 2 equal, have 'Car'
- Span to oset string is equal, have 'span/3=(s/8=poo-head;s/11=fancy-pants;s/11=final-fight;)'
- Table to oset string is equal, have 'tbl/4={A:s/6=Apples;B:s/8=Bicycles;C:s/4=Cake;D:s/9=Dinasaurs;}'
- Table to oset string is equal, have 'tbl/5={List:span/2=(s/3=one;s/3=two;)A:s/6=Apples;B:s/8=Bicycles;C:s/4=Cake;D:s/9=Dinasaurs;}'
- Span with gaps to have index keys is equal, have 'span/3=[0:s/4=fist;1:s/6=second;12:s/10=thirteenth;]'
- File from oset matches, have 'fname.txt'
- File from oset matches, have '4096'
feature complete
File and storage persistance context tests.
- dir exists /mnt/basic/caneka/tmp/one
- file length match, have 29
- String content matches, have: 'Test content here is a thing
Warning: Unable to openfile /mnt/basic/caneka/tmp/one/mstore/memslab.1
- MemLocal value from ctx matches type, have 'TYPE_STRING_FIXED'
- MemLocal value from ctx has expected bytes , have 'value'
- File value from ctx matches type, have 'TYPE_FILE'
- File value from ctx has expected bytes in path , have ''
- dir destroyed /mnt/basic/caneka/tmp/one
feature complete
Persisting a combination of Table, Span, and MemCtx to disk and back for use in IO Contextx.
- Retrieved string equals, even though it was saved with local coords, have 'Hidy Ho!'
Warning: Unable to openfile /mnt/basic/caneka/tmp/memlocal/mstore/memslab.1
- Retrieved from re-awakened MemLocal, string equals, even though it was saved with local coords, have 'Hidy Ho!'
- MemLocal dir destroyed /mnt/basic/caneka/tmp/memlocal/mstore
feature complete
Filter any non-visible character below 32 (dec)
- normal text is fine, ' Hi There
- normal text is fine, '\{3,21,31}Hello There\{2}'
- SUCCESS from adding valid chars have, ' Hi There
- ERROR from adding invalid chars have, ' Hi There
- Length unchanged from erronous bytes add request, have, ' Hi There
Crypto - Strings
feature complete
Generating Sha256 summaries of strings. And random data strings.
- Sha256 matches, have '68760b4a88c113b8ce4aed641911caf8ef01d5969754a20271e601698997881b'
- Random string length is expected, have 512
Crypto - Ecdsa
not started
Ecsda sugnatures for strings. Using a crypto library such as OpenSSL.
Crypto - Salty
feature complete
Bi-directional encryption with a variable sized key
- Phrase is not null
- Test key added to key chain
- 'bogus' user is unable to access 'test' key
- 'test' user can access 'test' key, have, 'Tests are Fun Fun Fun!Tests are '
- Encoded matches from original to result
- Decoded matches from original to result
- Second decoded matches from original to result
- EncPair to oset string is equal, expected 'enc/3={key:s/4=test;enc:s/32=2bfc98b22fb8b02d33ffe258111e3438;length:i64/2=11;}', have 'enc/3={key:s/4=test;enc:s/32=2bfc98b22fb8b02d33ffe258111e3438;length:i64/2=11;}'
UserTests - PasswordFlow
feature complete
A Basic user password flow using CycleServe and IoCtx
- Auth Oset has expected length, have 231
Warning: Unable to openfile /mnt/basic/caneka/tmp/users/8c2a47d3bdb8d3096a6479f53eac3b724291db5f1c31611100f675be5537329d/mstore/memslab.1
- Re-opened user table is not null
- Email from newly opened user table matches original, have ''
- User Delete has flag SUCCESS
previously working
SMTP (email) format parsing with the Roebling parser.
not started
Email send flow tests with CycleServe and Roebling.
Smtp - Ingest
not started
Extracting content from XML bodies within emails
Smtp - Image
not started
Extracting image content from attachement bodies within emails